
The 100 Films That Changed My Life

맥놀티 2012. 5. 9. 06:00

100. Days Of Heaven (1978) - Malick, 99. Funny Face (1957) - Donen, 98. An American In Paris (1951) - Minnelli, 97. The Thin Man (1934) - Van Dyke, 96. Toy Story (1995) - Lasseter, 95. The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951) - Wise, 94. To Have And Have Not (1944) - Hawks, 93. Beauty And The Beast (1991) - Trousdale/Wise, 92. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977) - Lucas, 91. The Wizard Of Oz (1939) - Fleming,

90. Top Hat (1935) - Sandrich, 89. The 400 Blows (1959) - Truffaut, 88. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981) - Spielberg, 87. The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg (1964) - Demy, 86. Pinocchio (1940) - Ferguson/Tee, 85. The Godfather: Part II (1974) - Coppola, 84. A Hard Day's Night (1964) - Lester, 83. The Graduate (1967) - Nichols, 82. Ikiru (1952) - Kurosawa, 81. Metropolis (1927) - Lang,

80. Wall-E (2008) - Stanton, 79. Mildred Pierce (1945) - Curtiz, 78. Dames (1934) - Enright/Berkeley, 77. Les Diaboliques (1955) - Clouzot, 76. Nostalghia (1983) - Tarkovsky, 75. Marty (1955) - Mann, 74. Alien (1979) - Scott, 73. Battleship Potemkin (1925) - Eisenstein, 72. Raging Bull(1980) - Scorsese, 71. Rebel Without A Cause (1955) - Ray,

70. The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - Darabont, 69. Two Women (1960) - De Sica, 68. Ran (1985) - Kurosawa, 67.12 Angry Men (1957) - Lumet, 66. Breakfast At Tiffany's (1961) - Edwards, 65. The Exorcist (1973) - Friedkin, 64. Sleeping Beauty (1959) - Geronimi, 63. Full Metal Jacket (1987) - Kubrick, 62. Goodbye Mr. Chips (1939) - Wood, 61. Fargo (1996) - Coen,

60. No Country For Old Men (2007) - Coen/Coen, 59. The King's Speech (2010) - Hopper, 58. The Human Condition (1959-61) - Kobayashi, 57. Touch Of Evil (1958) - Welles, 56. Hour Of The Wolf (1968) - Bergman, 55. Lawrence Of Arabia (1962) - Lean, 54. Kagemusha (1980) - Kurosawa, 53. Once Upon A Time In The West (1968) - Leone, 52. Toy Story 3 (2010) - Unkrich, 51. Stagecoach (1939) - Ford,

50. Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid (1969) - Hill, 49. The Great Dictator (1940) - Chaplin, 48. Cries And Whispers (1972) - Bergman, 47. The Apartment (1960) - Wilder, 46. Black Narcissus (1947) - Powell/Pressburger, 45. Charade (1963) - Donen, 44. A Night At The Opera (1935) - Wood, 43. Sherlock Jr. (1924) - Keaton, 42. City Lights (1931) - Chaplin, 41. Good Morning (1959) - Ozu,

40. Harold And Maude (1971) - Ashby, 39. Crimes And Misdemeanors (1989) - Allen, 38. Modern Times (1936) - Chaplin, 37. Once Upon A Time In America (1984) - Leone, 36. The Sound Of Music (1965) - Wise, 35. Amadeus (1984) - Forman, 34. A Man Escaped (1956) - Bresson, 33. Smiles Of A Summer Night (1955) - Bergman, 32. Day For Night (1973) - Truffaut, 31. Gone With The Wind (1939) - Fleming,

30. Rear Window (1954) - Hitchcock, 29. Casablanca (1942) - Curtiz, 28. Now Voyager (1942) - Rapper, 27. All About Eve (1950) - Mankiewicz, 26. King Kong (1933) - Cooper/Schoedsack, 25. Rashomon (1950) - Kurosawa, 24. Still Walking (2008) - Koreeda, 23. Wild Strawberries (1957) - Bergman, 22. Stray Dog (1949) - Kurosawa, 21. Fail-Safe (1964) - Lumet,

20. Wings Of Desire (1987) - Wenders, 19. Bigger Than Life (1956) - Ray, 18. F For Fake (1975) - Welles, 17. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (1977) - Spielberg, 16. M (1931) - Lang, 15. Make Way For Tomorrow (1937) - McCarey, 14. La Dolce Vita (1960) - Fellini, 13. The Magician (1958) - Bergman, 12. Paths Of Glory (1957) - Kubrick, 11. Le Doulos (1962) - Melville,

10. La Notte (1961) - Antonioni, 9. Imitation Of Life (1959) - Sirk, 8. Ivan's Childhood (1962) - Tarkovsky, 7. La Jetee (1962) - Marker, 6. Sweet Smell Of Success (1957) - Mackendrick, 5. The Night Of The Hunter (1955) - Laughton, 4. Jules And Jim (1962) - Truffaut, 3. Early Summer (1951) - Ozu, 2. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (1939) - Capra, 1. Amarcord (1973) - Fellini.